Using the services offered by Silso Adviser and the website implies acceptance of the privacy policy and the terms and conditions below.
The terms represent a legal agreement between you, as a natural or legal person ("Client") and SILSO Adviser SRL, with registered office in the Municipality of Bucharest, Bvd Metalurgiei, No. 132, Bl B1C, apartment 42, registered in the Trade Register with number J40/9190/2022, CUI: 46132760.
Non-acceptance of these Terms, or any of their provisions, entails the User's obligation to immediately stop accessing the Silso Adviser services
The contract between you and us comes to an end when your order is expressly accepted by us and you will receive an e-mail in which we will confirm this together with the invoice for the requested services.
By placing the order, the Customer expresses his prior express consent to start executing the contract. He understands and confirms that after the complete execution of the contract he does not benefit from the right of withdrawal according to art. 16 lit. a) from O.U.G 34/2014 because the services provided are exempt from the right of withdrawal.
The service is considered complete when Silso Adviser sends the Client the complete documents for establishing a company / changing the company or any other service offered, documents which, once sent to the customer, can be used for the purpose of registering / changing the company at the Trade Register. The documents will be sent within 3 working days from the receipt of all the documents requested by Silso Adviser to the client by post or email to be signed.
In this contract, the obligation is of means, that is, Silso Adviser undertakes to use all its capacities for the preparation of the documents necessary for the registration / modification of companies at the O.N.R.C. So that Silso Adviser cannot guarantee the favorable resolution of the request. If at the request of the Client or the O.N.R.C officials it is necessary to restore or modify the documents and the fault is not exclusive to Silso Adviser , the Client will additionally pay a document restoration fee of 200 RON.
The contract concluded at the time of confirmation of the Order by Silso Adviser will terminate at the moment when the Trade Register has resolved the Registration Request regardless of its outcome (the request is accepted or rejected).
According to art. 9 of O.U.G 34/2014 regarding the rights of the consumer in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts, the Consumer benefits from a period of 14 days to withdraw from a contract for the provision of remote services,
without having to justify the withdrawal decision and without incurring other costs than those provided by the provisions of this normative act.

However, considering the nature of the services that Silso Adviser makes available to the User/Consumer, the provisions of art. 16 of O.U.G 34/2014 detailing the exceptions to the right of return. Thus, after the complete provision of the services, respectively, after the transmission of the complete documents, the User no longer benefits from the right of withdrawal, even if he is within the 14-day period.
By placing an order and accepting the Terms, the Customer authorizes a Silso Adviser representative, agent or collaborator, free of charge, to represent him before ONRC in order to fulfill the obligations assumed by Silso Adviser .
In the process of brokering the requested documents, we reserve the right to use our own email address/phone number to be in direct contact with public and private institutions.
The client has the obligation to verify the correctness of the data entered in the documents technically edited by Silso Adviser and will not have any subsequent claim against him in the event that erroneous data/information has been entered in the documents.
Silso Adviser does not guarantee a maximum deadline for the preparation and/or submission of the file and is not responsible for the time in which requests are resolved by the National Office of the Trade Registry. As a rule, submitted requests are resolved within 3-4 working days from the date of submission of the request, if there are no comments from the Trade Registry. If there are observations from the Trade Register, the resolution period can be extended up to 30 days. Silso Adviser is not responsible for any extension or delay in resolving the files, nor for the possible consequences that such an extension or delay may have on the Client's activity.
Silso Adviser is not responsible for any intervention by the Client/Beneficiary on the documents sent to be signed or if the Client/Beneficiary has any direct correspondence with the Trade Registry. When the Client/Beneficiary has corresponded directly with the Trade Registry, the contract between the parties is considered completed.
Silso Adviser is not responsible for non-fulfillment of the contract if the associate / administrator / holder of the PFA has facts entered in the tax file. If the application for company registration is postponed for this reason, the fee paid is not refunded. Silso Adviser can request an extension of the resolution period for 14 days, during which the tax file situation can be resolved. If the tax file situation is resolved after the expiration of the 14-day period, it is necessary to resubmit the application for company registration. In this case, Silso Adviser will charge the Client an additional fee for resubmitting the registration request, which cannot be less than 200 RON.
If the file is rejected due to the exclusive fault of Silso Adviser employees or collaborators, it is responsible for the possible consequences that such an extension of the settlement term may have on the Client's activity only within the limit of the fee paid by the Client for
providing the service. In this case, Silso Adviser undertakes to return the paid fee to the Client. Silso Adviser will not be responsible for paying other damages due to any delay in the Client's activity. is a website that offers information services for the establishment and modification of a company at the Trade Register.
The information provided on this site is for general information only and should not be considered accurate. We make every effort to ensure that the information provided is up-to-date, however we do not guarantee that the information is up-to-date at any time and we are not responsible for any damage or prejudice suffered by any natural or legal person as a result of decisions taken according to the information provided on site.
The content of our website should not be considered legal advice.
The content of this site may not be used, reproduced or distributed. Extraction of any information followed by any commercial use beyond the scope of private copying regulated by law or for sale or licensing and without prior written consent of the owners of the property rights constitutes a violation of the terms and conditions.
Names, logos, images, trade names may not be used by anyone for any purpose without our prior written consent. The use without the consent of the company of any elements listed above is punishable according to the legislation in force, being protected by the Law for the protection of copyrights (law no. 8/1996) and the laws on intellectual and industrial property.



Terms and conditions

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